Fr. Okt 18th, 2024

Der angesprochene Brief ist weiter unten im Artikel – mit der Liste der 63 Unterzeichner-innen.

Das EU- Parlament hat eine Anti-Friedens-Missions-Resolution verabschiedet:

4. Condemns the recent visit of the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to the Russian Federation; stresses that during this visit, he did not represent the EU, and considers the visit to be a blatant violation of the EU’s Treaties and common foreign policy, including the principle of sincere cooperation; underlines that the Hungarian Prime Minister cannot claim to represent the EU when violating common EU positions; considers that this violation should be met with repercussions for Hungary; recalls that in the immediate aftermath of the Hungarian Prime Minister’s so-called peace mission, Russia attacked the Okhmatdyt children’s hospital in Kyiv, showing the irrelevance of his alleged efforts, which have been met with scepticism from the Ukrainian leadership; reiterates its support for the peace formula presented by Ukraine’s President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy; deplores the fact that Hungary has abused its veto power in the Council to prevent essential aid from being granted to Ukraine; urges Hungary to lift its blockade of the European Peace Facility funding for Ukraine, including the agreed reimbursement for Member States for military assistance already delivered;

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Weitergehend – die EU:

Orban’s actions have sparked fury among many EU governments and officials.

The European Commission on Monday took the unprecedented step of barring EU Commissioners from attending meetings held in Hungary under the country’s EU presidency.

Some EU governments also plan to send only top civil servants, rather than government ministers, to ministerial meetings in Hungary and 63 European Parliament lawmakers have asked the EU to suspend Budapest’s voting rights in the bloc.

In his letter, Orban also said that U.S. President Joe Biden was “not capable of modifying the current U.S. pro-war policy”.

Orban has long criticised European military support for Ukraine, in contrast to most EU members which have provided large amounts of military aid for Kyiv’s war effort.

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63 Parlamentarier fordern den Entzug der Stimmrechte für Ungarn:

In a letter obtained by POLITICO, 63 MEPs addressed European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, European Council President Charles Michel and European Parliament chief Roberta Metsola, saying Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán “has already caused significant damage by exploiting and abusing the role of the Council Presidency.”

Hier der Brief im full text – mit den Unterschriften der 63 Parlamentarier.

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