Mi. Okt 16th, 2024

Der Westen hat den NATO-Russia Council (NRC) wieder ausgegraben.
Der Westen sucht nach Möglichkeiten, wie er mit Russland in Kontakt kommen könnte – und irgendjemand hat sich an den NRC erinnert – und will dessen Mechanismen wohl in irgend einer Weise reaktivieren – die Mechanismen – nicht die grundsätzliche Zusammenbarbeit.
Die Mechanismen, die das bringen sollten, was man nicht mehr hat – Kontakt zu Russland.

Gerade hat der deutsche BK Scholz öffentlich dargebracht, er wolle mit Russlands Putin telefonieren – prompt wurde aus Moskau mitgeteilt, es gäbe keinen Grund für ein Telefonat, weil es keine gemeinsamen Themen gäbe (was für eine Demütigung für Scholz).

Russland braucht keine West- Kontakte – so wird immer klarer – während der Westen nach Möglichkeiten sucht, einer direkten Konfrontation mit Russland zu entkommen.
Direkte Konfrontation, die notwendig wird, weil die Ukraine- Armee vor dem Zusammenbruch steht. Entweder NATO- Soldaten füllen die leeren Reihen (manche Ukraine- Einheiten haben nur mehr ca. 10 % ihres Soll- Standes – sic!), oder die Ukraine hat keine Zukunft mehr.

WAS ist der NATO-Russland-Rat? – Das:

NATO-Russia Relations: A New Quality
Declaration by Heads of State and Government of NATO Member States and the Russian Federation – 28 May. 2002

The NATO-Russia Council will serve as the principal structure and venue for advancing the relationship between NATO and Russia. It will operate on the principle of consensus. It will work on the basis of a continuous political dialogue on security issues among its members with a view to early identification of emerging problems, determination of optimal common approaches and the conduct of joint actions, as appropriate. The members of the NATO-Russia Council, acting in their national capacities and in a manner consistent with their respective collective commitments and obligations, will take joint decisions and will bear equal responsibility, individually and jointly, for their implementation. Each member may raise in the NATO-Russia Council issues related to the implementation of joint decisions.
The NATO-Russia Council will be chaired by the Secretary General of NATO. It will meet at the level of Foreign Ministers and at the level of Defence Ministers twice annually, and at the level of Heads of State and Government as appropriate. Meetings of the Council at Ambassadorial level will be held at least once a month, with the possibility of more frequent meetings as needed, including extraordinary meetings, which will take place at the request of any Member or the NATO Secretary General.
To support and prepare the meetings of the Council a Preparatory Committee is established, at the level of the NATO Political Committee, with Russian representation at the appropriate level. The Preparatory Committee will meet twice monthly, or more often if necessary. The NATO-Russia Council may also establish committees or working groups for individual subjects or areas of cooperation on an ad hoc or permanent basis, as appropriate. Such committees and working groups will draw upon the resources of existing NATO committees.
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Durchaus positiv gesehen – damals:

A new chapter in NATO-Russia relations was opened on 28 May 2002, when the heads of state and government of NATO member countries and of Russia gathered at Pratica di Mare Air Force Base, near Rome. A declaration on “NATO-Russia Relations: A New Quality” was signed, establishing a new NATO-Russia Council, which brings together the 19 Allies and Russia to identify and pursue opportunities
for joint action “at 20”.
The new Council provides a mechanism for consultation, consensus-building, cooperation, joint decision, and joint action. NATO’s member states and Russia will work as equal partners on the basis of consensus on a wide range of Euro-Atlantic security issues. Continuous political dialogue will allow emerging problems to be identified early, common approaches to be determined or joint actions to be conducted, as required.

FPI-Anmerkung: Damals hatte die NATO noch 19 Mitglieder – nun 32= 13 neue kamen dazu= eine NATO- Ost- Erweiterung, die es nach gegebenen West- Versprechen, nie hätte geben dürfen.
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Dann wurde der NRC mehr oder weniger für tot erklärt:

The NATO-Russia Council (NRC) was established in 2002 as a mechanism for consultation, consensus-building, cooperation, joint decision making and joint action. Within the NRC, the individual NATO member states and Russia worked as equal partners on a wide spectrum of security issues of common interest. The NRC has not met since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
Since Russia’s illegal and illegitimate annexation of Crimea, the NRC has met 11 times, with Ukraine as the first item on the agenda. Three meetings took place in 2016, three in 2017, two in 2018, and two in 2019. The most recent meeting of the NRC took place in January 2022.

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