Mi. Jän 22nd, 2025

Das nachfolgende erscheint wie eine Meldungsübersicht – ist aber völkerrechtlich höchst brisant. Die HIMARS standen auf russischen Boden, wurden abgefeuert, und trafen ihr Ziel.
Wichtig dabei: Es sind die USA, die mit ihrer Satelliten- Technik, diese „Ukraine-HIMARS“ ins Ziel lenken. Damit ist fixiert, dass die USA gegen Russland, auf russischem Boden, kriegerisch tätig waren, und somit zum völkerrechtlich einwandfreien Kombattanten geworden sind. <<< Das ist die ultimative „smoking Gun“ für Russland – sic!

Die EU teilte mit:
With [Minister] Kuleba, we discussed about the needs of Ukraine to continue their self-defence, in particular – as you know – air defence systems, in particular more Patriots, and also the lifting of restrictions on the use of Western weapons against Russian military in Russia.
This is a growing debate. More and more, we take very much into consideration the fact that Ukraine has to resist against attacks which have been launched against its territory from Russian territory, and some Member States have been lifting the restrictions for Ukrainians to be able to use their military support to respond to the Russian attacks from the Russian territory, and not only from the Ukrainian territory, occupied by Russian troops.

Missiles / Techn. Information:
HIMARS, a powerful rocket system, is designed to launch various types of rockets within a short amount of time. In just 20 seconds, rockets can be prepared, and within 45 seconds, all of them can be fired. These are contained in a single pod with six multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS).
The rockets are guided by GPS, which means they can be accurately directed towards their targets. Each GMLRS rocket costs approximately $100,000. Additionally, HIMARS can launch a single 1.7-ton projectile known as an Army Tactical Missile (ATACMS) that can reach targets up to 310 kilometers away.

HIMARS stands out compared to Russian Smerch missiles with a similar range due to its use of GPS guidance. When launching from higher altitudes, this range can be further extended, making it nearly three times that of traditional howitzers.
While HIMARS demonstrates exceptional accuracy when targeting stationary objects with precise coordinates, it is less effective against moving targets like troops, limiting its ability to halt enemy advances.
During the 2022 war in Ukraine, HIMARS was extensively employed against Russian targets and successfully destroyed multiple Russian command posts, ammunition storages, concentrations of troops and armored vehicles, and bridges, many of which were far beyond the frontlines.

The HIMARS launcher has interchangeable fire control systems, electronics, and communication units with the existing MLRS M270A1 launcher. The crew and training requirements are also the same. HIMARS has a self-loading and autonomous system, which can load and operate independently.
It also has a fire control system that includes video, keyboard control, a large amount of program storage, and a global positioning system. The fire control computer allows firing missions automatically or manually, depending on the desired mode.

Das ist die ultimative „smoking Gun“ für Russland – sic!

Ergänzende Informationen – Text 1Text 2:

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Der obige Text übersetzt:

Wo russische Pontons in der Region Kursk „verschwinden“❓

Die Operateure der Spezialeinheiten zerstören sie zusammen mit den Einheiten der ukrainischen Verteidigungskräfte mit Präzision.

Das Video zeigt die effektive Zerstörung feindlicher technischer Ausrüstung in der Region Kursk durch die Operateure der Spezialeinheiten sowie die Erkennung und Korrektur des Feuers der Haimars auf Brücken und Pontonübergänge.

Gemeinsam mit den ukrainischen Verteidigungskräften haben sie außerdem eine Ansammlung von Ausrüstungsgegenständen, ein Felddepot für Militärfahrzeuge, Treib- und Schmierstoffe, ein elektronisches Kriegsführungssystem und eine 152-mm-D-20-Kanone getroffen und zerstört.

Verantwortlich – nicht nur die Schachtfeld- Soldaten, sondern viele im Westen:


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