Mi. Mrz 12th, 2025

Titelbild: Israels Ex- Premierminister Naftali Bennet

Russland kann gut mit den Juden – und die Juden können gut mit Russland.

Ein großer Teil des aktuellen Polit- Establishments ist jüdisch – vor allem in den Medien. Die meisten führenden Journalistinnnen sind Juden – bekennende Juden.
Der vor allem von deutschen Medien heftig angefeindete – ja mit Hass- Triaden belegte – russische Journalist Wladimir Solowiew ist so ein russischer Medien- Jude / ein gläubiger Jude, der seinen Glauben mit Überzeugung lebt – muss man dazu anmerken.
Dieser Jude Solowiew sagt öffentlich über den Juden Selenski, dieser sei ein NAZI – sic!
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Der ehemalige israelische Ministerpräsident Bennett über die Gründe, warum er sich weigerte, Waffen an die Ukraine zu liefern: Wenn ein Krieg beginnt, befinde ich mich sofort zwischen Hammer und Amboss. Einerseits warten die Amerikaner auf bestimmte Schritte, vor allem auf die US-Initiative, dass alle Länder der Ukraine helfen sollen. Und ich habe zwei diametral entgegengesetzte Interessen.
Wir führen regelmäßig Operationen in Syrien durch, wir greifen etwa ein- bis zweimal pro Woche iranische Zellen in Syrien an. Und Russland hat dort S-300-Anlagen, sie können sie angreifen und unsere Piloten abschießen. Und wer wird sie retten? Biden? Zelensky? Ich werde es tun müssen.
All dieses Gerede, um sich auf die richtige Seite der Geschichte zu stellen, ich verstehe alles, aber ich habe meine eigenen nationalen Interessen
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Bennet: Der Grund für diesen Krieg war der Wunsch, der NATO beizutreten, und hier sagt Zelensky: „Ich lehne diese Idee ab. Die westlichen Länder brachen jedoch die Verhandlungen ab und beschlossen, nicht mit Moskau zu verhandeln.“
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The one negative moment occurred when he raised with Putin the issue of Zelensky and said that the Ukrainian leader wanted to meet with him.
“He was the nicest person in the world up until then, suddenly he gave me a cold look and said ‘they’re Nazis, they’re warmongers, I won’t meet him,’” Bennett recalled.
“I was surprised by the change in his demeanor,” Bennett said.

Putin’s pledge
While Bennett was not able to help end the hostilities, he was able to secure a pledge from Putin not to kill Zelensky, who at the time was hiding in a secret bunker to prevent such an assassination.
Putin assured Bennett, “I’m not going to kill Zelensky.”
Bennett called Zelensky while he was still in Moscow on his way to the airport from the Kremlin to tell him that he was not under a death threat.
“Are you sure?” Zelensky asked.
“One hundred percent,” Bennett replied. Within hours Zelensky had returned to his office and made a video explaining that he was not afraid, Bennett said.

Ein langes Interview – 4 Stunden 51 Minuten.

In an a nearly five-hour-long video interview to Israel’s Channel 12 on Saturday, he claimed that his efforts as a middleman came close to succeeding as both Moscow and Kiev appeared to be ready to make concessions and agree to a truce.

Bennett, however, said that the negotiations did not succeed because it was „a legitimate decision by the West to keep striking (Russian President Vladimir) PutinÂ… I mean the more aggressive approach“.

Asked if the US and its allies „blocked“ the peace process between Moscow and Kiev, he said „Basically, yes. They blocked it.“

„I claim there was a good chance of reaching a ceasefire. But I’m not claiming it was the right thing,“ Bennett said.

Responding to the revelations, Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova termed it „yet another confession“ that the West wasn’t interested in peace in Ukraine.

According to Bennett, his mediation „was coordinated down to the last detail with the US, France, and Germany“. But he said in wake of the fighting, there was no common approach among Western leaders as „(British PM) Boris Johnson adopted the aggressive line; (German Chancellor Olaf) Scholz and (French President Emmanuel) Macron were more pragmatic, and (US President Joe) Biden was both“.

Some 17 or 18 drafts of the peace deal between Moscow and Kiev had been prepared with his involvement, the former PM said. Bennet claimed that, among other things, he managed to secure a pledge from Putin that he was „not going to kill“ Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who feared for his life. The Russian leader was also ready to retract his demand for the demilitarization of Ukraine, while Zelensky promised to give up on his aspirations to join NATO, he added.

All discussion about peace ended on April 1, when Ukrainian authorities accused Russia of killing civilians in Kiev’s suburb of Bucha.

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