Do. Mrz 13th, 2025

Die Botschafter dieser Länder haben unterschrieben:
The ambassadors signing the letter included Eric Garcetti of India, Edgard Kagan of Malaysia, MaryKay Carlson of the Philippines, Nicholas Burns of China, Marc Knapper of Vietnam, Philip Goldberg of South Korea, Rahm Emanuel of Japan, Caroline Kennedy of Australia and Tom Udall of New Zealand.

Wie man sieht, es geht darum, gegenüber China (Taiwan und South China Sea) und Indien Stärke zu zeigen.
Den Botschaftern geht es darum, dass BEIDE Konflikte so schnell als möglich gelöst werden, DENN, sie schädigen die Reputation der USA als globale Hegemonal-Macht, und stärkste Militärmacht der Welt (sämlichen aber auch wirklich allen anderen Militärmächten um Dimensionen restlos und total überlegen).

A group of U.S. ambassadors in South Korea, China, Japan and other Indo-Pacific countries has sent a letter to Congress, urging lawmakers to act quickly to pass legislation on assistance to Ukraine, Israel and others in the Pacific, a White House official said Tuesday.

John Kirby, the National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications, revealed the delivery of the letter written by nine U.S. ambassadors, underscoring the importance of the congressional passage of President Joe Biden’s national security supplemental funding request.

„The ambassadors wrote about how many countries in the Indo-Pacific are intently focused on the conflicts in Ukraine (and) in the Middle East,“ Kirby said during an online press briefing.

„Russia’s growing strategic partner(ship) with the People’s Republic of China, military support from Iran and North Korea … our support for Ukraine and the potential termination of that support at such a decisive moment here in these winter months will fundamentally affect not just Ukraine, but other strategic theaters as well, obviously, to include the Indo-Pacific theater,“ he added.

The letter came amid concerns that failure to pass the funding package for Ukraine, Israel and border security could raise questions over America’s defense commitments to regional allies and partners.
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MR. KIRBY: Thank you. In the interest of time — and I know everybody wants to get postured and ready for the President’s remarks, so I’ll just very, very quickly just draw your attention to the letter written jointly this morning by nine of our ambassadors to countries across the Indo-Pacific, to include Japan, China, India, the Philippines, and the Republic of Korea — a letter that they sent to Congress urging them to act quickly to pass the President’s national security supplemental funding request, including the funding that it contains for the Indo-Pacific, as well as, of course, for Ukraine and for Israel.

The ambassadors wrote about how, quote, “Many countries in the Indo-Pacific are intently focused on the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East.”

Again, with Russia’s growing strategic partnership with the People’s Republic of China and with military support from Iran and North Korea, our support for Ukraine — or the potential termination of that support at such a decisive moment here in these winter months — will fundamentally affect not just Ukraine, but other strategic theaters as well, obviously to include the Indo-Pacific theater.

And then, just before I close out, I’m sure many of you saw the statement that I issued yesterday, correcting what I had said Friday night about pre-notification to Iraqi officials on Friday night before the strikes that we took on facilities related to the Iran-backed militia groups. And I deeply apologize for the error, and I regret any confusion that it caused. It was based on information we had or that was provided to me in those early hours after the strikes. Turns out that information was incorrect. And I certainly regret the error.

And I hope that you’ll understand there was no ill-intent behind it, no deliberate intent to deceive or to be wrong. I take those responsibilities very, very seriously. And I deeply regret the mistake that I made.
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American envoys in nine countries, including India and Japan, wrote to the Congress Tuesday urging it to act quickly to pass the President’s National Security Supplemental Funding request, including the aid it contains for Ukraine, Israel and the Indo-Pacific, the White House said.

John Kirby, Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council in the White House, told reporters that nine US ambassadors to countries across the Indo-Pacific have sent the letter.

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„The ambassadors wrote about how… ‚many countries in the Indo-Pacific are intently focused on the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East‘,“ Kirby said quoting from the letter.

The ambassadors signing the letter included Philip Goldberg of South Korea, Rahm Emanuel of Japan, Caroline Kennedy of Australia, MaryKay Carlson of the Philippines, Eric Garcetti of India, Nicholas Burns of China, Tom Udall of New Zealand, Edgard Kagan of Malaysia and Marc Knapper of Vietnam.

„Governments are watching what we do at this pivotal moment in history a time when decisions that we take now will have lasting impacts for years to come. They want to see that when the chips are down, the United States will be there for our allies and partners,“ said the letter written by the nine US envoys.

„The letter is somewhat unusual for a diplomatic corps that is usually reluctant to engage in such fights publicly. But the ambassadors, who met recently at a regional conference, said that the importance of the aid and the signals that failure would send warranted the appeal,“ New York Times reported.

„We were in contact with ambassadors – although they wrote the letter themselves, we have been in contact with those ambassadors,“ White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters at her daily news conference.

The New York Times described it as an unusual move.

„In an unusual letter, nine US diplomats – both career and political – based in the Pacific region on Monday sent a letter to congressional leaders, saying US credibility with allies there is on the line if attempts to aid Ukraine collapse,“ the daily said.

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