Did he fall-out?
Jedenfalls, interessante Darstellung. Nett anzusehen, die Geschichte dieses VChK-OGPU.
Die Abkürzung ist ganz interessant – und ich fand dies, eine Ukraine- Website, die dies erklärte:
The name of the journal consists of the abbreviations of Bolshevik secret service – the All-Ukrainian Extraordinary Commission (VUChC), and its successors – the State Political Department (GPU), the People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD) and the Committee of State Security (KGB). In the Soviet period the access to the documents of these institutions was impossible. Archival funds were classified and marked as „top secret“ or „secret“. The collapse of the USSR and the restoration of Ukrainian statehood contributed to the declassification of files stored in archival institutions. The necessity to inform the Ukrainian public about the crimes of the Soviet totalitarian regime caused the emergence of the journal „From the archives of the VUCHK-GPU-NKVD-KGB“.
Nun denn, die Zukunft wird uns die Antworten bringen (die aktuell im Jetzt schon umfassend vorliegen, würden man sich genauer dahingehend informieren).