Fr. Mrz 7th, 2025

Steht der Sieg der Ukraine unmittelbar bevor – wie es der britische Verteidigungsminister mit seinem „to kick Putin out“- sager suggeriert?

NEIN, die Briten machen heir PR- BlaBla, wie sie (und US+NATO) schon seit Jahren genau die gleiche PR- BlaBla machen.
Erinnern sie sich, s. g. Leser-innen? „In 3-6 Wochen sind die Russen erledigt“- so die Prophezeihung von Februar 2022 – die sich bis heute nicht erfüllte.
Ebenso unerfüllt wird Shapps „kick Putin out“. Das alles ist nur PR- BlaBla für jene die glauben müssen, glauben wollen, oder dumm genug sind, solche Sprüche noch immer zu glauben.

Das britische Medium „The Guardian“ berichtet (FPI empfiehlt den ganzen Artikel zu lesen):

The UK plans to give vital equipment to Kyiv including 400 vehicles, more than 1,600 missiles, 4m rounds of ammunition, 60 boats, as well as an additional £500m in military funding, taking the total to £3bn this financial year.
“Defending Ukraine against Russia’s brutal ambitions is vital for our security and for all of Europe. If Putin is allowed to succeed in this war of aggression, he will not stop at the Polish border,” Sunak said ahead of the trip.

The package includes 60 boats with offshore raiding craft and dive boats; more than 1,600 strike and air defence missiles; more than 400 vehicles, including 160 protected mobility “Husky” vehicles and 162 armoured vehicles; as well as nearly 4m rounds of small arms ammunition.

The defence secretary, Grant Shapps, said: “This record package of military aid will give President Zelenskiy and his brave nation more of the kit they need to kick Putin out and restore peace and stability in Europe.

There are about 400 British troops based in Poland full-time, while about 8,000 have taken part in Nato exercise Steadfast Defender in Poland, the alliance’s largest since the cold war.

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