Titelbild: Der brennende entgleiste Zug, mit 450 kg Vinylchlorid.

Am Freitag letzter Woche gab es einen Zugunfall in den USA – die Washington Post berichtet darüber (und andere Medien auch):
A train derailment near the Ohio-Pennsylvania border last Friday has forced residents living nearby to evacuate their homes for fear they could be injured or even killed by exposure to the toxic chemicals in some of the rail cars.
Afraid that some of these cars might explode, the authorities have been releasing and burning the chemicals, raising questions about what might happen if they leach into the environment and the risk that residents and first responders face if they were to inhale the fumes.
Es geht hier um Vinylchlorid – hochgiftig – und bei dem Feuer mit verbrannt.
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