Do. Mrz 13th, 2025

Die OPEC hat heute beschlossen – FPI berichtete – dass die Förderquoten gleich bleiben (und damit Europa ein Problem hat – kein kleines – sic!).

Nun berichtet die Financial Times von der Schatten- Öl- Tanker- Flotte Russlands:

Russia assembles ‘shadow fleet’ of tankers to help blunt oil sanctions

Shipping brokers estimate more than 100 vessels have been acquired this year to transport crude for Moscow

Russia has quietly amassed a fleet of more than 100 ageing tankers to help circumvent western restrictions on Russian oil sales following its invasion of Ukraine, according to shipping brokers and analysts. Shipping broker Braemar estimates Moscow, which relies heavily on foreign tankers to transport its crude, has added more than 100 ships this year, through direct or indirect purchases. Energy consultancy Rystad says Russia has added 103 tankers in 2022 through purchases and the reallocation of ships servicing Iran and Venezuela, two countries under western oil embargoes.

Traders say the shadow fleet will reduce the impact of such measures, but will fall short of eliminating it.
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Auch das WSJ hat diese Shadow-Fleet schon angesprochen.

Die Hindustan Times hat die Nachrichten rund um die russische Schatten- Tanker- Flotte gut aufbereitet:

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